ROY presents: Gregory Hatch

Similar Familiar

woolgathering: (noun) indulgence in idle daydreaming

Thoughts can come at me at a lighting speed, compelling me to consider the worst, the absurd, and the unlikely. This past year I received a diagnosis and direction that gave me a sense of agency that I have striven for most my life. The way my mind works and how I process the world and information around me is defined as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or intrusive thoughts. I have moved away from striving to change the thought process to working with it to live a more functioning life.

Felting has become an integral tool in expressing myself and giving form to my thoughts. The process of layering and molding the wool fiber into images mirrors my efforts to ground myself in day to day life. My work strives to engage the viewer through story and allows the information to be filtered through well and lesser known iconography.

ROY Asks

What is your name and preferred pronouns?

Greg Hatch He/him

How has art (whether it be your own or art in general) changed you?

It's given me a way to articulate things when words seem ill suited.

How did you start your artistic practice?

I started as a fiber artist after taking a felt course in my undergrad. I originally had wanted to learn feltmaking to make puppets.

When a first-time viewer sees your work, what is the first word that your hope they think when looking at your work? 



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