ROY presents: Annie Chrissy Burley


I've been observing how African American women (especially dark skinned women) have historically been portrayed lacking frailty and vulnerability.

Thinking about the animation pipeline I find every final decision is not haphazard but very intentional. And when looking at Black Female characters who are supposed to represent me, I'm finding the representation becoming more of an instruction guide.

No frailty, no vulnerability. A femininity that can be beaten and mocked. A human that can be a god for others but a grave for themselves. It's almost like these characters are saying "This is how you are to be for US."

If I can in this show just reclaim that process in the animation pipeline to Make what's familiar to ME. And be honest about the characters I see, and my concern for the direction they are taking, and the similarities they have with old tropes.

If I can in this show just. Do. That.

ROY asks

1. What is your name and preferred pronouns?

Annie Chrissy Burley, she/her/hers.

2. How has art (whether it be your own or in general) changed you?

I've been convicted about how I make art. I ask myself am I working toward the goals of my work or am I engaging in perpetrating ways of making art especially when creating work that handles a specific subject? That self reflection has been the only change I'm focusing on right now. In doing that I'm learning to consider more carefully how I make characters and scenarios. 

I am also considering the morality of the capital produced off trauma, and shock value.

3. How did you start your artistic practice?

My Grandma Ann always jokes with me about this! “All they (Mom and Dad) had to do was give you some type of paper and pencil and that would calm you down!" So I don’t know it’s just been something that I've been doing. 

4. When a first-time viewer sees your work, what is the first word that you hope they think when looking at it?

I don’t want them to. I don’t want to be in that position of control.


ROY presents: Alicia Link


ROY presents: Aimee Wissman