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ROY presents: Emily Moores

Fri, May 8, 2020 - 6:30 PM
Sat, Jun 6, 2020 - 3:30 PM

The texture of an object or a space tells its story. Texture displays an object's relationship (or lack of) to a body, reveals if it is well used or untouched, and can display its history or age. My work investigates the affective dimension of texture: the intimate interaction with an individual's feelings and body without physical touch. Specifically, I am interested in the movement of a body as essential to understanding and experiencing spaces or objects. I am inspired by tactility, and its ability to immaterially communicate feeling. I roll, cut, and fold paper to overtake a space engaging the viewer with an immaterial embrace. Viewers walk around or through patterns, textures and ornamentation. I view ornamentation as enabling a sensory experience through the use of details, which create textures and formations. I create objects that are fragile and detailed, yet also ominous and tumultuous.

Artwork is for sale and priced upon request. Artists receive 65% of sales and the 35% ROY retains is invested back into the gallery. 

Follow Emily when she takes over ROY’s IG May 26




Nicki Crock